Thursday, 26 September 2013

Next trip: Paris! (yes, again)

Despite not quite catching you guys up on our mini-trips over the summer, I thought you might like to go back to the old format of "blogging as we go" at least briefly. Teach me to get behind and try to do it after the fact!

And anyway, our next little foray is to one of my favourite places on the planet. . .Paris!


We haven't been as often this year as we have in years past, in fact this is just our second trip and about time. In fact it's just in time, because the excuse we're using to go is that Monday is my birthday and where better to celebrate than the city of light? Ok, so we'll actually be coming back to London on Monday itself, but still, its a good enough reason, right?


This time we will be staying on the rive gauche a first for us, and one of the few times that the majority of the planning has been done by Stephen. I'm looking forward very much to seeing where he has us lodged and what delightful and tasty things are in the works. Since we're staying on Sunday night it means that we get not one but TWO goes at French dinners. I have managed to sneak in my own preference and have Stephen book us in to a restaurant specialising in game. Should be an amazing treat. 

Even better, it looks like the organ concerts are back on at Notre Dame! We missed those very much on our last visit. Other than that and some vague collections of different possible routines, we don't have any firm plans. You shall just have to stay tuned to see what it is we get up to. 




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