Sunday, 29 January 2012

Welcome to our online home v3.0!

We are Stephen and Chaundra, a young(ish) American married couple who have hopped the pond in order to spend our time travelling. This is the place where we'll be recording the stories and photos of our adventures so that friends and family (and any random passersby) can follow along.

A little bit about us. . .

We’ve been living in London since 2004 and are loving every minute of it. We both work in financial services, but we spend as much as our free time as possible out and about, be it exploring the amazing melting pot that is London, walking in the gorgeous English countryside, be-bopping about Europe as the mood strikes us or planning trips further afield. 

Over the next few days or weeks, we'll be bringing over our archives from previous incarnations of our blog as well as starting to write new posts (usually authored by Chaundra). A calendar of upcoming travels can already be found here and you should see a link to Chaundra's pictures on flickr. With any luck, Stephen will contribute from time to time, but mostly he acts as tech support. :)

Coming up will be a link to a map of our travels to date as well as our travel "bucket list". If there's anything you'd like to see, let us know!

Welcome to our adventures!

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