Friday, 2 November 2012

Alternate Plans

Earlier this week I had a post all ready to go announcing an impending trip to The Big Apple where I would get to catch up with a very dear old friend, get some face time in with colleagues and then dash down South to see my brother and sister-in-law who have two new dogs and a new house!

Needless to say a certain sub-tropical storm has put paid to those plans. Fortunately, everyone I know or had been planning to see in and around NYC is physically safe and sound though the challenges of cleaning up and getting back to normal are going to take some time to overcome (understandably). The last thing they need are extra people making that process more difficult, really. My thoughts go out to everyone still struggling and I wish that I had something more useful to do than send money to the American Red Cross.

So, yesterday there I was starting to remake plans for spending the next two weeks in London when I got a text from our friends in Germany (the same ones we went to Paris with back in March) asking us if we might randomly be free to go to Belgium this weekend for a chocolate festival. A quick call to Stephen and we decided "Why not?!". So, tomorrow morning we're off to Brussels to eat some chocolate, laugh with old friends and explore a new city. Not a bad consolation prize.

Watch this space for updates over the weekend!

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